

Outer Casing
Munich Jewellery week, Munich,DE

This exhibition explores the profound relationship between the human body and artistic creation, questioning whether the body serves as the ultimate destination or the genesis of artistic expression. The featured works investigate how artists engage with specific parts of the body, considering the intimate and universal aspects of human form as both canvas and collaborator. Moving beyond the traditional concept of wearability, the exhibition challenges the necessity of function as a means of interaction. Instead, it invites alternative dialogues between the body and art, presenting pieces that provoke, adorn, or transcend physical connection. By doing so, it offers a reimagined perspective on how art inhabits, reflects, and communicates with the human form. Through this lens, the exhibition redefines the body as a living medium—both an origin and a destination for artistic exploration. Artists: Mayte Amezcua, Silvia Bellia, Elvira Bessudo, Raquel Bessudo, Sandra Bostock, Annarita Bianco, Alejandra Campos Taylor, Gisella Ciullo, Ylenia Deriu, Fluxis, Lorena Lazard & Letizia Maggio Opening event: 13.03, Thu 10:00-12:00 Event duration: 13-16.03.2025, Thu-Fri 10:00-17:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-14:00 More info.


Archivio Negroni, Milan, Italy

Last venue form AGCpunto24, the annual exhibition of the AGC Contemporary Jewellery Association in Italy. Over 60 artists and designers, all members of the AGC association exhibiting their works, with a constant research made through a wide range of materials (metals, fabrics, wood, resins, stones, glass and paper) and techniques, from the most ancient goldsmith practices, such as niello or mokume-gane, to the digital technologies and additive manufacturing. AGCpunto24: a contemporary tale that began twenty years ago. On the occasion of the association's twenty-year anniversary, AGCpunto24 the annual AGC exhibition/happening consists in a special circuit. Three events from July to November, travelling between Italy and Spain, in collaboration with different galleries and spaces. Check out the digital catalogue here.


Tales of transformation
Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Athens, Greece

The exhibition, entitled Tales of Transformation and supported by the photographic work of Alice Brazzit and Renee Harari Masri presents the work of Mayte Amezcua, Elvira Bessudo, Raquel Bessudo, Annarita Bianco, Sandra Bostock, Gisella Ciullo, Clara Del Papa, Lorena Lazard, Letizia Maggio, Anna Retico. Metals, fabrics, organic elements and experimentation through the use of new materials and techniques alternate in the different creations of the artists who weave independent but complementary parts of a single variegated story. Within this large, diversified, and articulated plot, there are some narrative threads that connect the research and allow us to identify some common themes. The most evident concerns the almost constant presence of elements or references to organic subjects related to nature, such as the use of wood and the representation of seeds, flowers, and blooms. Read more.


Galeria Personal, Terragona, Spain

AGCpunto24 - Special edition The annual AGC exhibition/happening consists in a special circuit, on the occasion of the association's 20th anniversary. Three events from July to November, travelling between Italy and Spain. The project was presented during the opening of the first exhibition, scheduled for July 6 at 6pm in Sanremo, hosted by La Mongolfiera art gallery, Via Roma 50, in collaboration with Laboratorio Lunamante. Two different selections of pieces are going to be exhibited in the following venues. In September at the impressive space of Galeria Personal in the historic center of Tarragona and in October in Milan, at Archivio Negroni, a place dedicated to the arts, techniques and meetings around contemporary jewellery. Check outmore.


SID research award
IUAV,Venice, Italy

Award given to the research concept by Annarita Bianco and Raffaele La Marca "Zoe-Centered Artificial Intelligence: Virtual Reality fostering Multispecies Empathy" Design and Research: Sources and Resources is the theme of the SID Annual Conference, which will take place on July 4-5, 2024, at Iuav University of Venice. The theme, proposed by the organizers—professors and researchers from Iuav University of Venice—for the SID 2024 Annual Conference, invites the Italian academic design community to reflect on sources and resources in all their forms: material and immaterial, natural and environmental, technological, social and political, economic, and cultural. These aspects are presented as both the horizon and the measure of design and research in this field, as well as their relevance, quality, and significance. More info soon


La Mongolfiera gallery, San Remo, Italy

AGCpunto24 is the annual exhibition of the AGC Contemporary Jewellery Association in Italy. Over 60 artists and designers, all members of the AGC association exhibiting their works, with a constant research made through a wide range of materials (metals, fabrics, wood, resins, stones, glass and paper) and techniques, from the most ancient goldsmith practices, such as niello or mokume-gane, to the digital technologies and additive manufacturing. 

AGC Contemporary Jewelery Association is a non-profit organization founded in Trieste in 2004 to promote jewel research in a constructive and synergistic dialogue with the artistic and productive scenes on an international level.
Today spread throughout Italy, the assciation is based between Milan and Padua and has a consistent number of members in other countries including Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Austria, the United States, Israel, Argentina, Japan and Korea. AGC is open to international practicing jewelers, artists, designers, students, schools and galleries, as well as researchers, scholars and collectors. It enhances quality and spreads the cure of contemporary jewellery with exhibitions, seminars, research projects, publications, encouraging methodological approaches of sharing and aggregation. Check out the catalogue here.


Tales of transformation
Munich Jewellery week, Munich, Germany

The exhibition, entitled Tales of Transformation and supported by the photographic work of Alice Brazzit and Renee Harari Masri presents the work of Mayte Amezcua, Elvira Bessudo, Raquel Bessudo, Annarita Bianco, Sandra Bostock, Gisella Ciullo, Clara Del Papa, Lorena Lazard, Letizia Maggio, Anna Retico. Metals, fabrics, organic elements and experimentation through the use of new materials and techniques alternate in the different creations of the artists who weave independent but complementary parts of a single variegated story. Within this large, diversified, and articulated plot, there are some narrative threads that connect the research and allow us to identify some common themes. The most evident concerns the almost constant presence of elements or references to organic subjects related to nature, such as the use of wood and the representation of seeds, flowers, and blooms. Read more.


VIII muestra Orfebreria Contemporanea
Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, Madrid, Spain

The VIII Exhibition of Contemporary Goldsmithery aims to disseminate and promote the contemporary goldsmithing and jewellery design at an international level, through exhibitions in different venues. The Association of Contemporary Goldsmiths and Jewellery (AdOC) will be holding this exhibition at the National Museum of Decorative Arts (MNAD) in Madrid, coinciding with ARCO Art Week and as part of the Madrid Design Festival. Read more.


Recoding Picasso
Milan Jewelry Week, Milan, Italy

What more ambitious and promising premise to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the death of the renowned Pablo Picasso? The exhibition 'RECODING Picasso,' or 'RECODIFYING Picasso,' aims to keep alive and enrich the debate surrounding the very existence of contemporary jewelry, using the provocative genius of the Spanish master as a lens. Whether inspired by Picasso’s ceramic production from the Grassi-Vismara collection at GAM in Milan or by his vast and multifaceted body of work, this inspiration will serve as the creative force for the 10 featured artists, each presenting a unique jewelry piece at Haruko Ito’s atelier on Via Tivoli in Brera: HARUKO ITO, SIMONA MATERI/ALESSANDRO SAVAZZI, LETIZIA MAGGIO, GISELLA CIULLO, ANNARITA BIANCO, MICOL FERRARA, ROBERTA RISOLO, DANIELA REPETTO, SHEILA CUNHA, AZUSA KAMOGAWA. Curated by Alice Rendon, the exhibition will be open from October 19 to 22, 2023, as part of the third edition of Milano Jewelry Week. Read more.


This Jewelry is 100 RMB.
Yishu 8, Beijing, China

For different people, different cultural backgrounds and different economic levels, "100 RMB" makes a huge change. With art works being auctioned off for sky-high prices these days, “100 RMB” contemporary art jewelry sounds like a fantasy. But in fact, every one of us is soberly aware that expensive things are not always good, and the high-priced are not necessarily high-value artworks. Therefore, although these contemporary artworks at this exhibition are priced at “100 RMB” each, their value is by no means limited to “100 RMB”, because "humble material" does not compromise its artistic value! The artists did not have their imagination limited by the number “100 RMB”, nor did they rigidly limit their cost, working hours or efforts thereto. Under such a seemingly irrational rule, artists seek to find new languages and ways to challenge the cognition of us all. To create a work of art with the least material input—this proposition has stimulated everyone's thinking and creation, pushing them to rack their brains! More here.


Devotional Jewelry
Contemporania Fair, Barcelona, Spain

With the project launched in Padova at the Oratorio di San Rocco for the 17th edition of Pensieri Preziosi, an important international contemporary jewellery showcase, curators Mirella Cisotto Nalon and Maria Rosa Franzin have developed the idea of Elena Alfonsi, a thanatologist, focusing on contemporary Devotional Jewellery. A broad perspective on the concept and meaning of "Loss" is explored, delving into the sudden, complete, and permanent loss of personal affection. However, collective themes also emerge, such as deforestation, the extinction of animal species, and, in some works, the desire to preserve artistic techniques that carry the cultural significance of a land. The exhibition features the works of over 80 international personalities together with the different technical and operational choices to tell stories, concepts, emotions for a broad view both from a personal and a global point of view. Jivan Astfalck, David Bielander, Stephen Bottomley, Helen Britton, Sébastien Carré, Jürgen Eickhoff, Arata Fuchi, Kadri Mälk, Judy McCaig, Kazumi Nagano, Ramón Puig Cuyàs, Marianne Schliwinski, Alejandra Solar, Tanel Veenre, Silvia Walz.The inauguration will be Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. ​It will be open for visits until October 13, following the opening hours of the art and design centre located in the Raval district, just behind the Boqueria Market. The organisational coordination is the result of collaboration between Catalan and Italian members of AGC with the support of Escola Massana's Cultural Action Sector, Contemporania's Direction, the CCAM Chamber of Commerce, Crafts, and Fashion of Catalonia, and the JORGC - College of Catalan Goldsmiths, Gemologists, and Watchmakers. This exhibition is part of Contemporania 2023, a new fair in Barcelona to promote high craftsmanship and excellence. Check out more.


Neo Mineralia curated by Oscar Salguero
Center for Craft, Asheville, NC, U.S.A.

NEO MINERALIA suggests that recent rock formations no longer fit within the traditional groups: Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary. Instead, the Anthropocene, the era of human influence on the climate and environment, has introduced two post-natural rocks: Synthetic and Digital. NEO MINERALIA presents a selection of new geological specimens crafted by ten international artists exploring rocks as reflections of our effects on human and nonhuman ecologies. By embedding synthetic materials (plastics, e-waste) and layers of data points (critical, financial, social) into the craftsmanship of these artifacts, the artists transgress the definition of rocks, turning them from passive aggregates of minerals into metaphorical aggregates of data. Within their apparent “rockness” we can decode hopes, warnings, and speculative future scenarios. The featured works stemming from places as varied as Mexico, Japan, Poland, and Australia (including a curated artists’ books library), collectively signal a new era of planetary and geological consciousness where we are asked to read, feel, and listen to rocks in new ways. Check out more.


Walking Treasures VII
Esh Gallery, Milan, Italy

Once again, the gallery will explore the fascinating universe of artist’s jewelry by highlighting the techniques and materials used for each creation. Jewels in gold, silver, bronze, glass, with stones and natural elements, which will allow a new interpretation of the ornament concept by exploring the thin border between art and design. In this scenario the creations of Walking Treasures come to life: unique works of art to wear, one-of-a-kind pieces of innovative design that embody the original language of the artist. Check out more.


Devotional Jewelry
Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua, Italy

The exhibition entitled Devotional Jewellery will be held at the Oratorio of San Rocco from 25th November 2022 to 16th February 2023. The theme proposed for the competition was not intended as "religious devotion", but as a broad vision of the concept and meaning of "Loss" intended as a sudden, total and permanent loss of a beloved person, as shown for example, in the jewels of the so-called Mourning Jewelry production of the Victorian era, or of a loss that involves the vital system of our planet. The project proposed by the AGC member Elena Alfonsi, has sparked great interest, shown through the international participation of artists from Europe, Japan, United States, Korea, South Africa and China. The selection of authors was curated by Dr. Mirella Cisotto Nalon, former Head of the Cultural Activities Sector of the Municipality of Padua, by Dr. Elena Alfonsi scholar of History of Art Criticism, and Cultural Tanatologist and by Dr. Nichka Marobin, Art Historian. The works of the 69 participating artists represent an innovative vision in the field of jewellery, aiming to demonstrate ability in the use of materials, techniques, the manufacturing process and the structure of the work, and are made according to the individual spirit of research in Contemporary Jewellery. The aim will be to expose a wide variety of creative thoughts, styles, and techniques, in both precious and non-precious materials. Check out more.


Jewelry and literature
Tincal Lab
Porto, Portugal

I take part in the Tincal lab challenge 2022 -Jewelry and literature- with three unreleased artifacts from the new collection Mnemonic decay. They will be on display at Tincal Lab in CCBombarda Rua Miguel Bombarda, 285, shop 25 Porto, Portugal. Contest brief: How can two worlds so seemingly different meet? Literature is born from the field of ideas, jewelry materializes in a close relationship with the human body. Both require technique, both are art and produce emotions in those who create and admire them. Their expressions, however, couldn’t be more distinct and diverse. For this year's Challenge, we invite you to be inspired by the vast and rich world of literature: a favorite author, a remarkable book, an unforgettable character, a support or writing instrument that you consider indispensable. Jewelry and Literature. How do these two worlds meet?. Read more here.


Roma Jewelry Week
Alternatives Gallery, Rome, Italy

Some artifacts from 3020 collection will be on display during the Rome Jewelry Week. It is the week entirely dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of contemporary jewelery, of the author, of the artist and of the historical goldsmith realities of the Eternal City. Also this year, jewelry designers and the excellence of Roman goldsmiths are invited to participate as protagonists of the RJW, as well as jewelry ateliers, galleries, academies and associations. The AGC will participate in the event, with a collective exhibition of 10 members at the Alternatives gallery in Rome from 11 to 15/10/2022. Opening on 12th October at 6:00 PM. List of artists: Annarita Bianco, Adrean Bloomard, Corrado De Meo, Maria Rosa Franzin, Mineri Matsuura, Alberto Catalano & Mariangela Murgia, Kazumi Nagano, Liana Pattihis, Yoko Takirai & Pietro Pellitteri, Yiota Vogli. Check out more.


Gioielli in Fermento
Assemblea Legislativa Regione Emilia Romagna, Bologna, Italy

New venue of Gioielli in Fermento 20|21 exhibition from 6th to 29th October 2022 at "Assemblea Legislativa Regione Emilia Romagna" Exhibition Hall, Via Aldo Moro 50, Bologna - Italy. More infos here.


Gioielli in Fermento
Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua, Italy

The tenth anniversary – double edition – of Gioielli in Fermento is going to be shown in Padova in 2022. The awarded brooch Tangent 01 from 3020 collection will be on display from April 2nd to May 15th 2022 at Oratorio di San Rocco in Padua, Italy. The exhibit is made possible thanks to Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Padova, Settore Cultura, Turismo, Musei e Biblioteche. Opening on Friday 1st April at 6pm. The exhibit will be host till May 15th 2022 (finissage on Sunday May 15th with guided visits) hrs. 9.30-12.30 and 3.30-7pm (closed on Monday). Check out more.


Museum of Mediterranean Science, Livorno, Italy

After a break of a few years, the annual event dedicated to agc members is back, and takes on the name 'AGCpunto' to emphasise the intention of proposing a meeting point, a comparison and a presentation in the annual life of our association. We would like to thank the Museum of Natural History of the Mediterranean, which is hosting the exhibition of works representing the authors, designers and artists of contemporary jewellery, who are members of the association and with their research contribute to identifying the contemporary vision of ornament, conceived as a single or multiple piece in a limited series and in most cases made in self-production. A very rich and multiform panorama in the approach to this expressive form that is still too little valued and explored by critics and art media. Check out more.


Segni sul volto
Florence Jewelry week
Istituto De'Bardi, Florence, Italy

Segni sul volto is an experimental collective project born with the aim to create a collaborative space for discussion and design. An opportunity to reflect on the identity value of ornamentation, charged with symbolic as well as decorative values: “At a time in history when the pandemic has forced us to cover our faces with a mask, we can rethink of it as the first and most significant means of communication”. (Carla Riccoboni) Collective design, as a combination of contributions, joining forces, confrontation and analysis, is the method of this initiative, which proposes the creation of a collection of ‘singular multiples’. The project is the brainchild of Carla Riccoboni coordinated by Alice Rendon. Selected authors: Annarita Bianco, Claudia Zanella, Gisella Ciullo, Giulia Morellini, Bai Tongqiang, Letizia Maggio, Cristian Visentin, Simona Materi, Micol Ferrara, Silvia Sandini, Barbara Uderzo. The project process and outcomes will be on display during the Florence jewellery week 2022 at Istituto de'Bardi. Read more about the project here, and here. Discover more about Segni sul Volto journey reading Gisella Ciullo's essay.


Beauty and wonder
Tincal Lab, Porto, Portugal

Tincal Lab in Oporto is going to host the last venue of the travelling exhibition Beauty and wonder curated by Luis Acosta. When we talk about beauty, we talk about perceptions of an abstract notion that corresponds to an attribute granted more than anything by a remarkable harmony that causes positive sensations at the sensory level, which is also equivalent to an aesthetic quality or value. So, we talk about a subjective experience, which can vary not only from the eye of an observer to another, but between cultures and times. The wonder, the first step towards reflection and contemplation, is linked to the discovery of something unusual or the experience of an unusual situation. Some artifacts from the 3020 collection will be on display during Beauty and wonder exhibition. Check out more.


Walking treasures
Esh Gallery, Milano, Italy

ESH Gallery will explore the fascinating universe of artists' jewellery, highlighting the techniques and materials used for each creation. Jewellery in metal, glass, ceramic, with stones and natural elements, which will allow for a new interpretation of the concept of ornamentation, exploring the boundary between art and design. Gradually moving away from tradition, which in the jewellery sector is often bound to the pure search for preciousness, the spectator will find unique works of art to wear: small handmade sculptures, unique pieces with an innovative design that enclose the artist's original language in their form. In this scenario, made up of nuances far removed from the conventional shades of gold and silver, the Walking Treasures creations come to life: treasures to display on skin, symbolic elements reflecting an aesthetic research on human being. Check out more.


Double yellow line: Borders.
Moscow, Russia

Some artifacts from 3020 collection will take part in "Double yellow line" an international contemporary jewelry show about borders- political, geographical, cultural- promoted by 9 march project. Dotted lines of a blank map, parallels and meridians, language barriers, concrete fences, barbed wire and hedgerows: our entire world is divided by multitude of lines, both real and imaginary. Coastline separates ocean from land, borderline separates one country from the other, and the poverty line separates people from each other. Our first exhibition was dedicated to feminism – a movement that unites women of different countries, ages, races and backgrounds. For our second exhibition we chose the subject of “borders” to talk about division and disconnection, about opposing teams and uncompromising decisions – but also about self-preservation and protecting your identity from the permanent pressure of the outside world. Today, jewelry can be a symbol of belonging – to a particular class, religion, movement. But it can also serve as a sign of otherness, thus repeating the function of borders on a microlevel. We think it’s important to talk about borders – political, geographical, cultural using the language of contemporary jewelry, because we are certain that contemporary jewelry is a universal language of expression that can create meanings everyone can try on – both literally and metaphorically. The exhibition will take place from November 19th to December 15th 2021 at Winzavod Contemporary Art Center in Moscow. Check out more.


Beauty and wonder
Galerie Lalabeyou, Madrid, Spain

Galerie Lalabeyou in Madrid is going to host the third leg of the travelling exhibition Beauty and wonder curated by Luis Acosta. When we talk about beauty, we talk about perceptions of an abstract notion that corresponds to an attribute granted more than anything by a remarkable harmony that causes positive sensations at the sensory level, which is also equivalent to an aesthetic quality or value. So, we talk about a subjective experience, which can vary not only from the eye of an observer to another, but between cultures and times. The wonder, the first step towards reflection and contemplation, is linked to the discovery of something unusual or the experience of an unusual situation. We say that we are wondered when an event causes us a certain emotional impact or a sense of strangeness. In this collection of jewels, harmony and perfection that inspire admiration and delight come together. Admiration for the unexpected or unthinkable find and delight for the pleasant to the intellect or the senses. Some pieces from 3020 collection will be on display during Beauty and wonder exhibition. Check out more.

Exhibition preview

Double yellow line: Borders.
Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Some artifacts from 3020 collection will take part in "Double yellow line" an international contemporary jewelry show about borders- political, geographical, cultural- will be on display in Krasnoyarsk, Russia as a part of annual Krasnoyarsk Book Culture Fair. Exhibition is promoted by 9 march project. Check out more.


Jewelry and nature
Tincal Lab
Porto, Portugal

I take part in the Tincal lab challenge -Jewelry and nature- with two works from the new collection Morphosis. They will be on display at Tincal Lab in CCBombarda Rua Miguel Bombarda, 285, shop 25 Porto, Portugal. Contest brief: It’s not difficult to think that nature can inspire any artistic creation. Beautiful in form and rich in content, it represents an unlimited universe of fauna, flora and landscape. From the most microscopic scale to the most universal context, it includes natural phenomena unable to tame, sources of life (and death) and essential resources. Colors, materials, textures. Shapes, sounds, movements. It generally excludes the human creation and the built environment, but nowadays, it may be difficult to know a corner of the planet that has not been affected by humankind in any way. Reflect on the current situation and human vulnerability to natural causes greater than us? A challenge that demands to a look inside, as well as to the world around us. Read more here.


Dazzle me!
Venice design week
Venice, Italy

Two pieces from my new collection Morphosis will be on display at Ca’ Pisani Deco Design Hotel in Venice during the Venice design week. DAZZLE ME! A clear encouragement, with an exclamation point, to create a piece of jewelry that can capture the attention and really surprise those who look at it “straight in the eye”. A challenge to play with light, colors, reflections on a mirror or with much more, who knows? The competition is promoted by Venice Design Week, Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo (AGC), Ca’ Pisani Deco Design Hotel Galleries and partners: OONA gallery, OHMYBLUE, 16metriquadri Udine, Creativity Oggetti Torino, AUTOR International Fair for Contemporary Jewelry Media Partner:, Vicenza Jewellery, Revista atelierul Technical Partner: architetti Da Rin Perego, D33 sas. Check out the selected artists.


16-18|09|2021 Artigianato e Palazzo,
I-Atelier online,Crafting Europe-Artex Firenze
Florence, Italy

Innerscapes project in collaboration with the textile artist Cristina Mariani will be presented during "Artigianato e Palazzo" fair in Florence, at Villa Corsini gardens. The project was developed during Crafting Europe programme as part of the iAtelier Online action in Italy. Artisans and designers from all over Italy have developed prototypes of innovative objects also exploiting the capabilities of enabling technologies such as ceramic 3D printing, laser cutting, augmented reality, interaction design, and so on. Check out more. More about the project here


10-30|09|2021 Gioielli in fermento 2020|2021
Milan, Italy

Selected works from the Student section 2020/2021 of the Gioielli in Fermento competition are on display during Milan Design Week/Art Week at Archivio Negroni in Milan. Student section Award goes to Annarita Bianco from Italy. The exhibition is open by appointment. It will be accessible in compliance with the current anti-covid regulations. Check out more.


Shape of nature 2021
Beijing, China

We come from nature, then we create culture; we do believe natures, then we gain powers. If we do jewellery on natures, what we can create? Natures always endow strong influence on art and design, What is the shape of nature in your mind? Shape your nature in jewellery art, record natures in jewellery cultures. The exhibition theme is about nature: The Shape of Nature in jewellery art. Wearability, techniques and aesthetics are important parts for admission. The committee received hundreds of excellent international submissions from all over the world. After the evaluation and selection, 62 international artists have been selected and 3 prizes are awarded. The next steps of this project will be the official book edition, exhibition, and art jewellery conference organization. Check out the selected artists.


Dazzle me!
Venice design week
Venice, Italy

Two unreleased pieces from my new collection Morphosis passed the first selection for participation in Venice Design Week- Abbagliami exhibition. Check out the selected artists.


Double yellow line exhibition
Moscow, Russia

Some artifacts from 3020 collection will take part in "Borders" an international contemporary jewelry show about borders- political, geographical, cultural- promoted by DOUBLE YELLOW LINE. Dotted lines of a blank map, parallels and meridians, language barriers, concrete fences, barbed wire and hedgerows: our entire world is divided by multitude of lines, both real and imaginary. Coastline separates ocean from land, borderline separates one country from the other, and the poverty line separates people from each other. For our second exhibition we chose the subject of “borders” to talk about division and disconnection, about opposing teams and uncompromising decisions – but also about self-preservation and protecting your identity from the permanent pressure of the outside world. The exhibition will take place from November 19th to December 15th 2021 at Winzavod Contemporary Art Center in Moscow. Check out more.


Beauty and wonder exhibition
Galerie Caractère, Neuchâtel - Switzerland

Galerie Caractère in Neuchâtel is going to host the second leg of the travelling exhibition Beauty and wonder curated by Luis Acosta. When we talk about beauty, we talk about perceptions of an abstract notion that corresponds to an attribute granted more than anything by a remarkable harmony that causes positive sensations at the sensory level, which is also equivalent to an aesthetic quality or value. So, we talk about a subjective experience, which can vary not only from the eye of an observer to another, but between cultures and times. The wonder, the first step towards reflection and contemplation, is linked to the discovery of something unusual or the experience of an unusual situation. We say that we are wondered when an event causes us a certain emotional impact or a sense of strangeness. In this collection of jewels, harmony and perfection that inspire admiration and delight come together. Admiration for the unexpected or unthinkable find and delight for the pleasant to the intellect or the senses. Some pieces from 3020 collection will be on display during Beauty and wonder exhibition. Check out more.


Gioielli in Fermento
Student prize

The project 3020- artifacts from nex millennium- was awarded at "Gioielil in fermento" competition. The jury was formed by Maria Rosa Franzin, Gigi Mariani and Eliana Negroni (in delegation for LeArtiOrafe Jewellery School). Check out more.


MM awards 2021
Gold prize, fashion design, freelance category

The 3020 project- artifacts from next millennium- won the gold prize for fashion design in freelance category. The competition was organised by MM Award, an international creative award: a project of the creative consultancy MM Company created to reward and promote the most promising talents and brands in the fields of fashion, product & interior design. The aim of the Award is to create and nurture a community of creative talents from all over the world, recognising their merit and encouraging their connection with operators, media and companies. The selection was made by jury composed of Studio Didea, Monomio, Leonardo Talarico, Silvia Stella Osella, Federica Biasi, Serena Confalonieri, Luca Larenza, Mariana Martini, Adriano Meneghetti. Check out more.


Honourable mention of the Maydaybyday Gallery
Legnica Jewellery Festival

3020 brooch set has been awarded with the Honourable mention of the Maydaybyday Gallery in Rome. The selection was made by an international jury composed of artists, goldsmiths, experts in jewellery and design: Caroline Broadhead from the United Kingdom, Georg Dobler from Germany, Darijus Gerlikas from Lithuania, and two persons from Poland: Maria Magdalena Kwiatkiewicz and Sławomir Fijałkowski. Check out more.


Beauty and wonder exhibition
Galería CONTEXT, Barcelona

From May to July, Galería CONTEXT presents a contemporary jewellery exhibition by 26 International jewelry designers. Some pieces from 3020 collection will be on display during Beauty and wonder exhibition. When we talk about beauty, we talk about perceptions of an abstract notion that corresponds to an attribute granted more than anything by a remarkable harmony that causes positive sensations at the sensory level, which is also equivalent to an aesthetic quality or value. So, we talk about a subjective experience, which can vary not only from the eye of an observer to another but between cultures and times. The wonder, the first step towards reflection and contemplation, is linked to the discovery of something unusual or the experience of an unusual situation. We say that we are wondered when an event causes us a certain emotional impact or a sense of strangeness. In this collection of jewels, harmony and perfection that inspire admiration and delight come together. Admiration for the unexpected or unthinkable find and delight for the pleasant to the intellect or the senses. It's a traveling exhibition that can be visited (for now) in, Barcelona (Spain), Neuchâtel (Switzerland), Madrid (Spain), Porto (Portugal), and ... Opening: Saturday 22 May 12:30 am Opening hours: Wed to Fri 11:30 am to 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm to 8 pm. Sat 11 am to 2 pm Check out more.


Legnica Jewellery Festival -"Still human?" competition

The 41st edition of the Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER will take place in May and once again will bring together artists and lovers of contemporary art jewellery. The event will culminate on 28-29 May 2021. The most important element of the Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER is the International Jewellery Competition, which this year has been given the exceptionally relevant theme STILL HUMAN? Each year the Gallery receives submissions from artists from several dozen countries. Each edition of the Competition has a different leitmotif, referring to significant, universal problems and issues of the contemporary world and contemporary people, seen in the social, cultural, sociological, or anthropological perspective of everyday life. Check out more.


Artificial Intelligems @ Munich jewellery week

Some jewels from 3020 collection are involved in the Artifcial Intelligems project. Artificial Intelligems is an artistic research project exploring AI within contemporary jewellery practice. By experimenting with Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, this project investigates AI as artistic output, collaborative design tool, and exhibition format, among other. What potential as well as threats does AI offer for jewellery as a discipline and discourse? Furthermore, what roles can the domain of jewellery play in making use of and, moreover, challenging these technologies? Through an open call, more than a hundred jewellery artists and designers submitted images of their works, and nearly a thousand images are used to ‘feed’ the ML algorithm.Artificial Intelligems will be presented during Munich Jewellery Week through an online event consisting of live dreaming sessions and a series of reflective talks (11th till 14th of March). Check out more.

Finalist at Arte y Joya, 10th edition

Contemporary jewellery yearbook

T|03 brooch from 3020 has been selected as one of 32 finalist at Arte y Joya award. Check out more.

"Napoli. Design impermanente."

Curated by Claudio Gambardella, Guida editori.

In Italy, only Milan and Turin are recognized as "design cities". But it is necessary to reason prudently, without claiming south against north, about the real role that Naples has played. This book begins to bring this theme to common attention. But there is a second question that thus arises. It is important to ask what has caused Naples, despite the series of contributions and proposals it has developed for Italian design, to always remain on the sidelines, at least partially, as a "design city". 3020 project is feautured in this publication collecting the main architecture and design produced in Naples and Campania region. Book is available here.

Arte y Joya, 10th edition

Contemporary jewellery yearbook

T|03 brooch from 3020 collection takes part at Arte y Joya 2020-2021. Throughout these ten years, Arte y Joya has been putting together the best of contemporary jewellery combining designers’ visions from all over the world. Each designer’s unique creativity and imagination lets us understand their own vision of art. Check out more.


Romanian Jewellery week 1.0, Bucharest

Part of 3020 collection will be displayed during ROJW in Bucharest. The first edition of an international annual event dedicated to the innovative and effervescent field of contemporary jewelry in Romania and worldwide. The first edition of ROJW is dedicated to the 10 years anniversary of Assamblage. Check out more.


Art Jewellery night in Budapest Zero negative competition

U|01 brooch has been selected for 0 negative competition and will be on display at HYBRIDART SPACE during Art Jewellery week. FISE - Young Applied Artists Studio presents the works of excellent domesticand foreign jewelry designers to the general public. From 14 to 20 September, exhibitions will open in a row throughout the city, where both Hungarian and foreign artists will present their works. This year's buzzword is 0- / Zero negative. On the topic, the organizers announced an international jewelry competition, from which a high-quality jury selected those who could participate in the central exhibition. Members of the jury of the central exhibition: Flóra Vági, Leo Caballero, Lin Cheung On Saturday, September 19, the creators will be waiting for those interested at the exhibition venue with an extended opening hours. Check out more.

Gioielli in fermento 20|21

Students section 20|21 Part I, online preview

The artistic approach told through the Gioielli in Fermento exhibitions represents that authors’ creative motus they apply to record, undergo, react to changes through their works – from a conceptual point of view, from a practical point of view, from an existential point of view.The publication of the first part of this research constitutes a kind of last background: online contents, to be discovered gradually, following the different paths the authors are walking on, by discovering a focus which will be a whole view the exhibition solution for next year (Spring 2021). Check out more.

Ambertrip, Ecosight contest 2020

Diploma juree award to 3020|Graft series

XVII International Baltic Jewellery Show Amber Trip 2020.Polluted oceans, burning Amazon forests, unable to breathe Delhi, Earth's warming. And how many side-by-side processes that are disrupting the coexistence of nature and mankind! Ecological disharmony - like a threatening dragon, who is constantly coming to our castle to take his victims ... What vision do we have in this confrontation? Are we surrender ourselves to fear and anxiety or are we taking a more conscious and active position? Global and everyday view, thoughts, words, and actions that turn into craations that can influence the future. Check out more.


Exhibition at Bacht Store in Wien

AA COLLECTED's 3rd and final edition of jewellery exhibition 'jewellery//sculpture' at BACHT Showroom, featuring a selection of local and international jewellery artists. There is only the fine thread of wearability that separates jewellery from sculpture and art, one made to adorn the body one made to adorn the space. Yet on its own a piece of jewellery can present as a miniature scale sculpture only when combined with body giving an exciting new perception. Check out more.